Gorge Walking Adventure Day (Age 8-12yrs)

Gorge Walking Adventure Day (Age 8-12 yrs)

You will head up to Tarfside Gorge, Edzell and scramble through a section of mountain stream where you encounter waterfalls, pools, chutes, rocky steps, holes, slides and often jumps and floating in rapids. This is a great fun activity and very popular!

Course Dates
Tue, 01/08/2023 - 09:00-16:30
Course Duration
One day
Course Cost
Course Additional Info

Meet at Ancrum Outdoor Centre. All equipment will be provided. Please bring swimwear, towel, a packed lunch with plenty to drink. Pick up 1630-1645 at latest

To book a space, click on the link below to book your child online. If you have previously registered YOUR CHILD with Leisure & Culture's Connect Booking system, please use their log-in details. If your child is a NEW customer, register them for Pay as you Go or alternatively, call in to the centre during office hours (Mon-Fri  9am-5pm).  Bookings cannot be made over the phone.

Course Age Group