Know Before You Go
- Credit/debit card required for all hires
- Please be careful whilst hiring touring equipment as lost cheat sheets and skins bags need to be paid for
- Equipment is insured against accidental damage but not for loss
- All rental items are available only at the discretion of our experienced staff
- No refunds can be issued due to weather conditions, lift closures or change of mind once equipment has been booked and fitted and paid for.
All adventurous activities are potentially hazardous. It is the individuals own responsibility to learn and understand the proper techniques associated with safe participation in these activities and to fully accept and assume all risks, damages, loss, injury or death which may result from the use of the items available to hire.
- To hire equipment, simply pop into the Centre during office hours 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and bring the following 2 forms of identification and a payment card in your name. These must include a photographic identity card and 1 utility bill showing your current address within last 3 months. If you do not get any paper utility bills, we will accept being shown any formal online bill such as a bank statement with your current address from your banking app at the time of hire.
- Equipment must be checked by hirer / stores personnel before and after use.
- Failure to return equipment on the due date will result in a further payment based on the full daily charge.
- Equipment that is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair will be charged at full replacement cost to the centre. Damage to skis / snowboards or other specialist equipment will be assessed by our expect technicians who will determine any repair fees to be applied.
- Hired equipment must be returned clean and in an acceptable condition by the hirer. Any items not meeting acceptable standard will be subject to a £10 cleaning fee. Please note that waterproofed clothing should not be washed by the hirer.
- Our office opening hours are: 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
- You can view a copy of our hire charges for the following equipment here: Hillwalking, Snowsports Ski / Board Hire, Watersports
- If you have a complaint regarding the service we provide, please contact our Stores Controller, Tel 01382 435912 in the first instance to find a quick resolution. If this is not possible, then it will be passed to the Centre Manager who will deal with your complaint.
- We always welcome feedback and encourage our customers to submit a google review or drop us an email at ancrum.centre@dundeecity.gov.uk.
- Equipment is continually maintained and checked by our qualified PPE equipment inspectors. Leisure and Culture Dundee cannot be held responsible for any injuries caused by misuse of the equipment or accidents to the hired caused by over estimation of ability or any other reason.
- I certify that the information I have provided is accurate and up to date.
- I confirm that I or the user of the equipment is competent to use it.
Failure to comply with the above conditions of hire may result in the hire facilities being withdrawn.